Towtal View™ LaneGuard™ Install
*Note: This video is an overview and does not replace the installation guide.
Ready for safer travel with your trailer? Check out our installation guide for our new Towtal View LaneGuard.
The new LaneGuard (P/N 25341) provides proactive alerts with Blind Spot Detection and Lane Change Assist and is best for smaller trailers without a rounded rear. LaneGuard features LED indicators to be mounted on the front of the trailer in view of the vehicle’s rear or side-view mirrors. The indicators light up solid if someone is in the blind spot zone and flash if someone is in the lane change zone with the vehicle’s turn signal on.
The upgraded Towtal View LaneGuard Pro (P/N 25342), with Blind Spot Detection, Lane Change Assist, and Rear Cross-Traffic Alerts, is also available. The LaneGuard Pro has an extended detection range for continuously monitoring the vehicle’s surroundings, simplifying lane changes and reverse maneuvers.
LaneGuard Pro utilizes dual radar sensors mounted to the sides of the trailer at the rear. You’ll always know if you have a clear path when backing up and added reassurance. Pro also comes with LED indicators that work like the LaneGuard, but indicators illuminate or flash while in reverse if someone is in the rear cross-traffic alert zone. Due to its extended detection range, LaneGuard Pro is best suited for larger trailers with rounded rears.
Towtal View™ LaneGuard™ Installation Manual
Towtal View™ LaneGuard™ Pro Installation Manual
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